Would you like to become a supporter of our Brunswick Music Festival series?

This year, we are running three free concerts as part of the Brunswick Music Festival. The series has been curated by our Georgina Lewis and is called ‘Sound is a Describing Word’. It’s a fabulous program, details here.

We have made the concerts free entry.  Because we miss our old Free Fridays. The spontaneity, the mood, the ability to welcome people who mightn’t otherwise be able to come.

We’re inviting people to become supporters of the series. We’re hoping to get enough donations to cover what performers would have made from ticket sales. We're doing it as a little experiment, to see whether this might be a good way to keep the odd free concert happening. 

You can donate as much or as little as you like. If you donated $40, you could think of that as shouting two people a ticket. If you donated $200, you’d be shouting 10. 

We will be thanking the supporters of the series by name in our promotion and on our website. You can also opt to stay anonymous if you prefer. 

If you are interested in supporting this series,  just send us an email - temporubato.au@gmail.com. We’ll send you the info re how to donate.